And the content of Soursop Benefits for the Body. Efficacy Soursop Fruit How To Human Health?

Soursop is a tropical plant with fruit taste and flavorful. In addition to containing a variety of vitamins, minerals and soursop contains many substances fitrokimia. Benefits and efficacy of soursop content is needed by our bodies. Soursop fruit consists of 67.5 percent pulp, 20 percent of the fruit skin, fruit seeds 8.5 percent and 4 percent in the core of the soursop is carbohydrates. One type of carbohydrate on soursop fruit is a reducing sugar (glucose and fructose) with levels of 81.9 to 93.6 percent of the total sugar content. Cup of soursop contains nearly 38 g carbohydrates, is the body's main energy source. Your daily carbohydrate intake should reach 45-65 percent of calories the body, which is 225-325 grams per day for a 2,000 calorie diet.

Soursop fruit is one fruit berkandungan high water. Cup of soursop contains nearly 183 g of water. Benefits of high water content in soursop fruit can help prevent dehydration.

The content of Soursop Fruit
Vitamin A In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Vitamin A is good for maintaining healthy teeth, bones, and soft tissues. Vitamin A also reduces susceptibility to infection because it can protect the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat, and lungs. Vitamin A should not be consumed in excess as it would cause dangerous chemical reactions of the body, unless recommended in the strict medical supervision. Vitamin A in the fruit soursop does not contain retinol (pigment-makers retina, it is important for the process of vision). Nonetheless, soursop fruit contains betacarotene or provitamin A.

Beta Carotene In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Benefits of Beta-carotene on soursop fruit is an antioxidant, meaning it can help the body fight free of chemical substances in the body (free radicals). Free radicals are produced by the body when the body convert food into energy. Along with the development of age, increasing pile of free radicals and increase the chances of damage to the body's cells (the process of oxidative stress). Damage to body cells is associated with aging and decreased function of the nervous system and the immune system in general. Process of oxidative stress is suspected to contribute to the development of a wide range of health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and swelling. Beta-carotene is able to prevent the formation of cancer-causing substances in the body due to the conversion of nitrate in tobacco smoke, smoked pork.

Vitamin C In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains vitamin C 20 mg. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is not produced by the body so we have to eat them every day. Excessive intake of vitamin C is not harmful to the body because the group vitamins including vitamin C is water soluble. Benefits of vitamin C in foods that we eat can be felt for up to 14 hours, after which it will decline. If the content of vitamin C in the diet is less than 50% RDA continues, then the symptoms of avitaminosis be seen after 4 weeks. Excess vitamin C in the body naturally dissolve in the urine.

Benefits of ascorbic acid content in soursop fruit helps the body's absorption of calcium in the appropriate dose and promote healthy cell development. Auto body uses vitamin C will massively during the healing process due to infection, disease, or post-surgery. Vitamin C helps repair and maintain healthy cartilage, bones, teeth, and gums. Vitamin C is important for collagen synthesis process or the process of adhesion between cells to maintain the integrity of the tissues of the skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.
Another benefit of Vitamin C which plays an important role in the immune system, helping the body fight diseases, including skin damage, heals wounds, helps prevent and treat mild flu illness. In addition, vitamin C is also considered as an antioxidant that can fight free radical damage that can reduce cancer risk. Eating soursop fruit every day means providing antioxidants in the body because the soursop fruit is very rich in vitamin C.

Folate In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains 14 mg of folate. Folate or folic acid or vitamin B9 include water-soluble vitamins. This vitamin should be contained in the foods we eat everyday because the body can not produce itself. Just like vitamin C, vitamin B9 excess does not harm the body because it will be wasted through urine. Avitaminosis can also be felt as tired as 4 consecutive weeks if the intake of foods containing less than 50% of the daily RDA.

Benefits of Vitamin B9 and other types of B vitamins (Vitamin B complex) damam soursop fruit and works to help regulate metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. The third process is essential in order to produce the body's energy. Folate also contribute to the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin synthesis in the whole body. Growth period, bercukupan folate intake every day is necessary, such as during pregnancy, baby's growth and development, as well as the age of a teenager, because folate is important for the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

In 100 Gram Protein Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit containing protein 1 g. Proteins have many roles in the body, as well as supporting the existence of every cell in our body, the protein also acts as a source of energy, regulating the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and the levels of acid-base balance in cells. Protein intake in the diet can be calculated at least 1 kilogram of body weight multiplied by g. Symptoms of protein deficiency can be seen, among others, the hair loss, the worst malnutrition is a disease, and can lead to death.

Calcium in 100 gram Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains calcium 14 mg. Benefits of Calcium in soursop required in blood clotting, stabilizer various body functions. In addition, other benefits of calcium plays a role relieve insomnia, set the rhythm of the heartbeat, the transmission of nerve impulses, helps lower cholesterol levels, muscle growth, prevent muscle cramps and normal blood clotting, also helps reduce the risk of colon cancer. Also prevent the absorption of calcium into bone lead content.

Magnesium In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains 21 mg of magnesium. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart that beats normal rhythm at any time. This substance serves as a muscle relaxant, helping the formation of bones, teeth, and helps the absorption of calcium and potassium dalarn body. Magnesium is also necessary for the body's metabolic rate and energy production cell with the help of enzyme activity. Magnesium deficiency causes problems in the body's absorption of calcium.

Phosphorus In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains 27 mg phosphorus. Phosphorus substances in the process of formation of bones and teeth as well as in the process of metabolism. Phosphorus is also involved in kidney function, cell growth, muscle contraction, and the role dalarn utilization of vitamin B in the body.

In 100 Gram potassium Soursop Fruit
Soursop fruit contains 278 mg of potassium. Normal heart rhythm influenced the potassium and sodium in the body. Two substances was also instrumental in the body's balance of landfills. Potassium is only needed by the body for growth, build muscle, and nerve impulse transmission. This substance is lost in the body when you sweat and urinate, and therefore essential dietary intake of potassium taken daily to reduce high blood pressure simultaneously produce healthy skin. This substance also stimulates the kidneys get rid of toxins in the body. Deficit of potassium in the body leads to reduced power reflexes, nervous disorders, respiratory failure, muscle damage and heart failed to beat. Needs of the average daily potassium from infancy to adulthood among 3gr - 5gr.

Sodium In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains 14 mg sodium. This substance is important in the production of gastric hydrochloric acid, serves to protect the body from infection food. Sodium is important for the body, but excess sodium in the body is also dangerous, although renal always throw it away. Excess sodium for women can increase the risk of osteoporosis, although the intake of adequate calcium in the body. This substance is also responsible for high blood pressure or hypertension. Excess sodium in the body also causes edema or swelling of tissue due to too much body fluid and water retention in the body.

In 100 Gram Iron Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains 0.6 mg of iron. Role of iron and copper in the body combines protein in hemoglobin production process. Adequacy of iron in the body means guarantee a good quality blood and helps increase the body's resistance to stress and disease. In muscle tissue, iron has a principal role in the formation of myoglobin. Myoglobin oxygen supply duty in the muscle cells to carry out chemical reactions so that muscle contraction could do. Adequacy of iron also reduces fatigue and helps improve skin tone brighter.

In 100 Gram Fiber Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains fiber 3 g. Soursop contains a lot of fiber to facilitate digestion and bowel movements, as well as help control cholesterol levels. In addition, soursop fruit can also help you control your appetite and weight control. Fiber diet needs to based calculation is 2000 cal 20gr - 30gr. Adequacy of fiber in the body can reduce the risk of various cancers, to help facilitate bowel movements, reduces the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, and increased tolerance to sugar in the body and improve the body's response to insulin.

In 100 Gram Sugar Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains sugar 13 g. Benefits of the sugar content in the fruit soursop can be interpreted the same as the value of the adequacy of carbohydrates in the body as an energy material body.

Energy In 100 Grams Fruit Soursop
Soursop fruit contains calories 66 kcal. In addition to fruit, soursop leaves and seeds contain various chemical components that have been studied can be used as fungicides and pesticides as well as the botanical soursop plants containing acetaldehyde, caffeic-acid, p-coumaric-acid, and reticuline. While the chemical components such as acetaldehyde, aluminum, ascorbic-acid, beta-sitosterol, caffeic-acid, ethanol, HCN, malic-acid, p-coumaric-acid, procyanidin, reticuline, sulfur, tannin, thiamin, zinc are the basic ingredients of pesticides botanical contained in soursop plants.

Benefits and Efficacy Soursop Leaves for Treatment

In soursop leaves contain compounds Acetoginin (bulatacin, asimisin, squamosin). Acetoginin is high in compounds that act as anti feedent. Pest though reluctant to eat soursop leaves, in low concentrations can cause insect pests that feed on them will die. In addition Soursop Leaf also nutritious treat various diseases.

In Healing Cancer Soursop leaves
According to research conducted by experts from Purdue University USA, stated that this soursop leaf contains very good for the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. As for some types of cancer that can be treated are claimed to breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer. How to take the 10 pieces of old soursop leaves, boiled in 3 cups water. Leave until the remaining 1 cup of water, drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Soursop leaves Healing For Gout
Benefits of soursop leaves can be used as a gout medication. Many alternative treatments are already using soursop leaves as a treatment for gout. It's so easy that soursop leaf that is quite old but still green, about 6 to 10 sheets, wash, then cut into pieces. Soursop leaves boiled in 2 cups of water, simmer until the remaining 1 cup of water. Drink the concoction twice a day, every morning and evening.

As Soursop Leaf Healing Back Pain
If you have any problems with the waist, try making this soursop leaf herb. Take 20 soursop leaves, then boil with 5 cups water. Allow to boil and the remaining 3 cups. Drink this mixture 1 ¾ cups a day.

Soursop Leaf Helps Immune System and Avoid Infection
The content on soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and prevent infection in the body. How, to prepare 4-5 soursop leaves, boiled with 4 cups of water simmer until remaining 1 glass. Drink 1 a day.

Soursop leaves Treating Eczema and Rheumatism
Mash until smooth soursop leaves and apply on the body part that feels pain or pain due to arthritis or eczema regularly twice a day 1.

As healers boil the leaves Soursop
Pluck the strings skillfully young soursop leaf and stick it on the body affected by ulcers.

Benefits and Efficacy Soursop To Decrease Uric Acid Levels
Vitamins are the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C, which is about 20 mg per 100 g of fruit flesh. While vitamin C requirement per person per day about 60 mg. This requirement can be met only by consuming 300 g of meat soursop fruit. The content of vitamin C is high enough on soursop is a provider of excellent antioxidant that can boost the immune system and slow the aging process. Vitamin C also affect uric acid increased expenditure of the body. Additionally it is a source of antioxidant vitamins that fortify the body against disease.

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