Braun Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer With Exactemp Technology

Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer with ExacTemp Technology, IRT4520USSM (Health and Beauty)
Bought this couple of weeks back consequent to my son developing high fever and which fluctuated considerably. This caused the Red Cross $9.00 digital thermometer useless as it takes approx. a minute (under armpits) to record temparature. Our doctor advised us to buy Braun based ear thermometer.

First off - there are quite a models available. After taking to doctor and doing research - the 2 new models are IRT 4520 and IRT 4020. These are EXACT copies (all functionality) like their PRO 4000 versions!
The ExacTemp feature has a pre-heated tip which is more comfortable for the ear.
The older models (PRO 3000) is about $80, but uses lithium batteries and I don't think has pre-heated tip.

Has a "sort of" battery meter. Starts to show - that battery's low, flashing means - will effect results. (Very good)
Switch on, place tip (with tip cover, without cover, doesn't work)
push START and WITHIN TWO SECONDS you get the temperature.

Notes: Slightly hold the ear in order to place the tip INTO THE EAR HOLE to get best INTERNAL EAR CANAL reading. The readings are stored for access later - total 8 memory readings.
Auto shut-off: 60 sec.

The storage is into a white canister type case, which has HORIZONTAL standing (not good - as VERTICAL standing would have been better or if provided ALSO - good).

The given 21 nos. of lens caps are very little. Thankfully, the whole package of lens caps goes INSIDE the thermometer case, storing them together.

Size-wise it's a bit thick and thus slightly problematic to carry along but due to it's accuracy/etc. worth the hassle.

The ejector is very useful. Just press it and the lens cap is THROWN forward. Be careful, it's literally EJECTED out. (Point towards garbage can - I hit my wife's nose...;)

If you get covers for the PRO 4xxx series - you can use it with IRT 4520. That's very good. The batteries are regular AA series and last long. The IRT 4020 has 1 extra feature - has a protective plastic cap covering the disposable lens caps. That's actually very useful. So, if you get 4520 and 4020 at approx. the same price, I would opt for 4020.

There are some calibrations possible, but advice you NOT to do so. If you keep pressing the I/O button even after OFF, then you can switch between Celsius/Fahrenheit settings.
You can set the optimal temperature of the tip, define ambient room temp, etc - Keep i/o button pressed, after OFF starts to FLASH, there will be loud beep - immediately release the I/O button. Then keep pressing (short presses) of the I/O to switch to go thru the options stated above.

Note: ALTHOUGH NOT STATED, IT'S ADVISABLE to have the thermometer calibrated professionally *KAZ, in US* annually.

Weight - about 8 oz.

Any diff. between ExacTemp and non-Exac?
Yes - the pre-heated tip.

Any diff. btw the Professional (+$200) and this?
NONE in functionality, the PRO's just more heavy duty, with anti-theft features, base-station, etc. (all sold as accessories)

Any diff. btw this and the "Compact" one?
Yes - this has ExacTemp, has Memory functions, overall - quicker.

Does the PRO series lens cover fit?

Difference with IRT 4520 and IRT 4020?
IRT 4020 has a protective cover ON top of lens cover. IRT 4020 - difficult to buy. Pro 4xxx series REPLICATES IRT 4520, not IRT 4020.

How accurate?
Very accurate. I compared with mercury-based prof. thermometers.

Usage tips?
Use the SAME ear (you'll notice each ear records diff. temp) Hold the ear slightly up, push gently the tip INSIDE and press "Start"

Can I use it "orally", rectum, arm-pits?
I don't think so, it's gonna be difficult, the tip's designed for ears. Although stated possible - can't imagine how.

Any features I would have liked?
Yes, the following:
(a) Memory feature has the date/time included
(b) The memory feature has the LEFT ear and RIGHT ear set. (i.e. 2*8 memory locations, at least)
(c) Ability to switch off the BEEP
(d) A 2nd. display where the "Start" button is to see the temp. immediately (priority - low)
(e) More thin - the overall product
(f) Lens covers are very costly
(g) The case should be able to STAND, not lying down only

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